How to clean mesh shoes

These days, the majority of high-performance running shoes are made of delicate mesh and flyknit fabric. The lightweight, breathable material makes it the perfect companion for long runs. But as is so often the case, sports performance also influences streetstyle, and these days it’s just as likely that a sneakerhead will own some mesh shoes as will a marathon runner.

Regardless of whether you want to keep your mesh shoes clean to ensure they perform when you’re chasing your PB, or because you never leave the house with sneakers that aren’t on point, doing so will help them last longer. We always recommend that you wash your shoes by hand, but with mesh, it’s particularly important. Machine washing (in addition to being more harmful to the environment) can damage the delicate fabric of the shoes and distort their shape, which can do a lot of harm to their functionality. Here’s how to do it the DFNS way!

Materials required for cleaning your running shoes:

  1. Footwear Cleaner.
  2. Cleaning Brush.
  3. Microfiber Cloth.
  4. Two bowls of lukewarm water.
  5. A shoe tree or newspaper.

A Quick Tip: Our Cleaning Kit has all the necessary tools packed into one great package to give your mesh shoes a deep clean. Check out our Cleaning Kit here >

Time required: 20-30 minutes (Depending on your shoe’s condition).

How to clean your Mesh Shoes:

Keep your kicks looking great by following these easy instructions.

  1. The first step in cleaning your shoes is to remove the laces and dip those into a bowl of warm water along with a squirt of our Footwear Cleaner. Keep them soaked and move on to the next step. 

    For a full run-down on how to clean your laces, click HERE.

  2. Mesh is a sensitive material and can be damaged if not treated correctly. Always use a soft bristled brush when dealing with a mesh shoe. Our Cleaning Brush gets the job done quickly and effectively. Use the brush to remove any loose dust and dirt on your shoe’s surface. Clap the shoe’s soles to remove any accumulated mud on the outsoles.
  3. Stuff your shoes with a shoe tree or newspaper to maintain their shape while you clean them.
  4. Now dip your brush in the water bowl and apply our Footwear Cleaner gel to the bristles.
  5. Apply this solution by gently rubbing your brush on the surface of your shoes to make foam. Scrub the shoe in a slow controlled circular motion and avoid harsh scrubbing as it can damage the fabric. Clean the entire shoe from top to bottom.
  6. After that, use a microfiber cloth and clean the shoe thoroughly to remove all of the foamy solution and moisture. Repeat as necessary to ensure that you have removed all potential moisture.
  7. The last step is to dry your freshly cleaned shoes. A word of advice: never use a dryer or direct sunshine to dry your shoes, as you run the risk of distorting or discoloring them. Instead, dry your shoes and laces in an airy spot at room temperature.

Once dried, lace them up, and you’re good to go.